Monday, April 19, 2010

Jamie Oliver update

I am writing about Jamie Oliver just to give an update on his show and how amazing it is.

So Jamie Oliver has entered one Huntington, WV elementary school and started cooking foods from scratch. These kids were very used to eating pizza for breakfast and only drinking strawberry or chocolate flavored milk, so this was a HUGE change. The kids obviously reacted negatively at first because its a change and they are just kids, so it takes time for a positive change to settle in. I don't think the adults in the school system realize that. They think that if the kids don't like it right away, then they never will. That's bs, and I think we all know that. One cook in the kitchen, named Alice, really hates Jamie and doesn't want him coming into her kitchen changing things that "don't need change." Rhonda, the USDA rep also is skeptical about Jamie's purpose. I guess the USDA has some bs regulations about having 2 carb sources at every meal and 1 cup of veggies, but french fries count as a veggie AND a carb. This is what America has turned into...

Jamie went into a Huntington, WV high school where he gathered 10 students that believed in his cause and wanted to help him in his kitchen that he opened up in the town. One girl said she has been struggling with her weight her entire life and was told that she has spots on her liver, giving her only 7 more years of life. It was really devastating to watch because every time she talked about it, she would just start crying and couldn't stop. Those kids all had interesting stories of why they chose to help Jamie and it gave the show a lot of substance.

Jamie also had an initial negative persona coming into town because of Rod Willis. The Dogg radio talk show host Rod Willis absolutely hated Jamie at first, but then Jamie kinda put it all in perspective for him by showing the harsh reality of obesity and what it does financially, emotionally and physically. Rod then bet Jamie that if he got 1,000 people to come into his kitchen and cook within 5 days, he would buy Jamie a beer. I don't know how Jamie did it, but he managed to get 1,000 people by day 5 and gained Rob's respect and friendship through it all. I was very impressed, but at the same time, it aaaalmost looked staged. Almost. Nevertheless, Jamie definitely impressed a lot of people.

One last thing I wanted to mention about the last episode was that Jamie convinced the high school to serve his wholesome made-from-scratch food along with having a separate line for french fries and processed crap. In choosing Jamie's line, this meant he would be able to convince Rhonda to let him continue the food revolution in other schools as well. The high schoolers were way more open minded since they hopped right into Jamie's line and no one wanted the stupid fries anymore. They actually had to replace that crap with Jamie's food, so he got to open up all 4 lines and everyone loved it. Rhonda was impressed, so he got the go-ahead to move onto other schools! Jamie's journey continues and the Food Revolution is spreading!

Does anyone want to go to West Virginia with me and help Jamie Oliver? I really want to go and meet him and tell him how he has truly made me excited about nutrition. People are starting to realize just how important it is now that food science has entered the dark side. Sooo, let's go!

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