Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jamie Oliver is my hero!

I think one of the greatest and most exciting shows for me as a health professional is coming to ABC this Friday at 8 pm. Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. This show is "brilliant" because it makes us aware of Huntington, W. Va's statistical reputation for the highest death rates in the U.S., and the world, related to chronic diseases that stem from obesity. I have been waiting for this specific show for a very long time. Sure there's the Biggest Loser and shows that clearly depict America's poor food choices, but Jamie Oliver hit it right on point. Jamie is compassionate, determined, selfless, knowledgeable and most importantly...motivating.

Just to give a background of Jamie...he is a British chef who transformed the British school lunch program by proving that he can serve healthy cost effective foods that children would actually enjoy eating. This man is so compassionate, he put up his house as collateral which funded the "Fifteen Foundation" which gave 15 disadvantaged young adults (each year) with criminal records and drug abuse, the opportunity to train in restaurants as hospitality reps. His "Feed me Better" campaign in the UK was so riveting that he was rewarded "Most inspiring Political Figure of 2005." The list really does go on, but I will spare you because it's long! The point is that Jamie is an amazing person who really does care about making a positive and healthy behavior change to better the lives of others.

Jamie's new show Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution is important to watch no matter how healthy or unhealthy you think you are. It shows how this community of Huntington, WV is very stuck in their ways and won't make a change for just anyone. Hell, from watching the pilot, it seems like the president himself couldn't make these people budge. The point is, they have lack of information and honestly, lack of WANTING to learn the information. That is the biggest problem of them all. Sure you can go into a school and change their menu all you want, but if the people don't want that change, then forget it. Jamie is going to show these people that what they are serving their children will decrease their life span and years of quality of life. They will not die from natural causes and they will live with self image issues for the rest of their lives. It truly makes me sad to see that people choose to look ignorant in front of all of America and refuse any advice that might change their lifestyle for the better in the least bit. This is why people like Jamie exist to properly inform those that need a little push in the right direction. Like I always say to the pregnant women I counsel..."We aren't here to force you to breast feed, we are here to provide you with the right information and support for whatever decision you choose to make.." Now doesn't that sound better than..."Breast feed or else your child will be fat, ugly and bowlegged...?" Yah...that's what I thought.

I think the world of Nutrition is becoming more and more exciting because I get to help more people make a positive change, but at the same time, it upsets me that the numbers keep growing. I guess that's the paradox of the nutrition world. I'm just glad there are people like Jamie who see the potential in us all!


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